Supervision is an opportunity for the supervisee to reflect on their practice to gain a broader perspective, opening up a space in which to discover possibilities for personal and professional growth. Pastoral supervision is a structured process that explores ministry practice through a particular lens and model depending on the particular approach taken by the supervisor. It combines the skills contained in the modalities of mentoring, counselling, spiritual direction, education and personal formation. It does this without any one of these becoming the sole lens through which the relationship … Read More

Psalm 150 – Latest Version
My heart leaps with joy again this morning, God’s love has shattered death’s downward spiral, His great act of mercy completed by forgiveness, I want to declare loudly heaven’s celebration, Of life that is waiting for me to join in the dance, I … [Read More...]

Do We Listen
A couple of encounters with people have impacted me lately. Yesterday April and I walked past a guy begging outside our shopping centre. Another human being but down on his luck. And, then recently I had a conversation with an ex soldier in the … [Read More...]
John’s Gospel

Sign One – Transformation
Where does amazing start? The sign, a miracle, arriving Love waiting to care, his heartache Here from the beginning Needed since we listened to and believed a lie and death came. Celebration, waiting for life, The right moment coming A … [Read More...]
About Chris

Chris’ working life began as an office clerk in a large farm implement manufacturing company in Dalby Qld. After a year he began an apprenticeship as a fitter and turner in the same company and successfully completed his indentures four years later. Looking for an adventure he then travelled to Israel to work on a Kibbutz. He primarily worked in the farm section of the Kibbutz producing turf for many of the major tourist and residential developments in Israel at that time. On his return to … find out more ...