- Thrill seekers – Do you find challenges in the everyday. Are you able to create an sense of excitement even in the everyday experiences of life.
- Fear avoiders – These are the workers who want the world to stay the same for ever. And, they resent anyone who wants to upset the status quo. (seth godin)
You will find both of these people in the workplace. The longer that I work the more I realise that there are certain constants that come with work. You will find these personalities and the issues that come with them regularly.
Here are some other constants that I have been thinking about lately:
- Conflict – this is the main one that we all will struggle with from time to time.
- Relationships – Working with others is a core competency.
- Skills – we all need to develop skills that will allow us to perform competently.
- Routine – get used to it and be prepared to do the same things regularly even if you have a great job it will require some routine.
There are probably more that I will add to later………
Is the struggle with conflict that we all struggle with from time to time an example of conflict itself? If so, can we learn to overcome the struggle with conflict by overcoming the struggle itself? (I know it may not seem it, but it is a serious question, and it has nothing to do with home broo).
no I think that I understand bryan. So the visible struggle never ends we can only conclude the struggle itself.